Electromagnetic shielding: EMC 4198AB22107900, C Fold Profile, 9.8x10.7 L:2m

Laird: EMC 4198AB22107900 Electromagnetic shielding EMC shielding FOF C Fold Profile, H:9.8xW10.7 1pc=2m Laird 4198
Price (net of VAT) / ks
23,6960 EUR
Laird: EMC 4198AB22107900 Electromagnetic shielding EMC: Fabric-Over-Foam EMI Gaskets should be compressed between30% and 50% of the foam height.Shielding effectiveness of >100 dB across a wide spectrum of frequencies. Laird 4198
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ATD hlavní sklad 31  0 23,6960 EUR
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